Staff Augmentation & Human Resource Management

Our Services
  1. Staff Augmentation & Human Resource Management

    RiskTek Consultants is a renowned name in providing top class recruitment services to various sectors and have a decent track record in offering a complete range of global recruitment solutions for both Offshore / Onshore drilling projects. In addition, we also provide recruitment services to Banking, Information Technology, Telecommunications, and FMCG sectors in general.

    Our value add is based on our end-to-end recruitment solutions, quality of professionals and our international collaborations with some of the reputable training schools and institutions globally.

    Our global resource database is geared up to cater our client’s local and international requirements and they are well equipped with all the required training courses/certification and explicit experiences to cater your requirements both on contractual and turnkey basis.

    We pledge to assist you in every possible manners with ethics and legal compliance in accordance with the law of the land.

    • Full Time / Contract Staffing
    • Employee Onboarding Services
    • Training

Clients We Work With

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

